The ochre wash on the stuccoed walls gives the house a colourful exterior more typical of Vincentine (North Italian) villas. Repetition of Palladio’s pyramidical roofs, the Doric columns and the unusual double Venetian window on the west elevation add to the classical appearance. This window formed part of the work carried out by John Carr of York after the purchase of the property by J.B.S. Morritt in 1769; the stables were removed from the house to a separate block at the same time.
Rokeby Church, built by John Carr of York, to Robinson’s classical design and at J.S. Morritt’s expense, was consecrated in 1776. The church was declared to be redundant in 2006, exactly 230 years later. It stands in an elevated position on a north-south axis facing the A66, site of the old Roman road, in imitation of The Appian Way. The chancel and vestry were added in 1877 following a bequest from Mrs W.J.S. Morritt (d.1874).